Friday, October 31, 2008

Pumpkins and slowing down.

When my son was about 2 years old he developed a gift for song writing. I like to think he got it from me. His lyrics were thoughtful, well-crafted beyond his years. My favorite of his compositions was The Punkin Song. I obviously can't convey the whole emotion of it without music, but here are the words:

Punkins Punkins
There's so much

to do.

(repeat endlessly)

Now that I think about it, I may have been more of an influence than I believed. I'm pretty sure the Punkins Punkins part was inspired by impending October holidays , but the last part...that was all me.

Since then, I've learned to slow down. sit. feel. let go. and breath. And I'm still learning. It's good.

Happy Halloween. :)

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